(Major farming systems/enterprises (based on the analysis made by the KVK)
S. No | Farming system/enterprise |
1 | Rice based farming system (Rice-Animal husbandry, Vegetables, Fishery) |
2 | Rice based farming system (Rice- Vegetables) |
Description of Agro-climatic Zone & major agro ecological situations (based on soil and topography)
Soil type
Sl. No. | Agro-climatic Zone | Characteristics |
1 | Rice –Pulses sub zone | Annual precipitation 1400-1650 mm |
2 | Rice –Rabi sorghum sub zone | 1250-1400 mm |
3 | Multi crop rabi dominated sub zone | 1250-1300 mm |
S. No. | Agro ecological situation | Characteristics |
1 | Rice –Pulses sub zone | Annual precipitation 1400-1650 mm |
2 | Rice –Rabi sorghum sub zone | 1250-1400 mm |
3 | Multi crop rabi dominated sub zone | 1250-1300 mm |
Soil Types
S. No | Soil type | Characteristics | Area in ha |
1 | Entisols (Shallow soil) | Gray in colour, Depth – 7.5 CM, pH- 7-8, well-drained, WHC less, Very low in org. C, avail. N & P & medium in avail. K. Suitable for forest plant like Neem, Subabhul, Eucalyptus, Bamboo. | 3.62 lakh ha. |
2 | Alfisols (Reddish brown) | pH-6.5-7.5, WHC medium, low in available nutrient. Suitable for rice, teak, bamboo, and eucalyptus etc. | 3.37 lakh ha. |
3 | Inceptisols (Medium deep black) | Depth-25-5 cm, Depth- 7.5-25 cm; pH- 7.5-8.5, well drained, WHC less, Low in organic C, Available N, & P. Available K is very high. Suitable for pulses & oilseeds | 2.51 lakh ha. |
Priority thrust areas:
Crop/Enterprise | Thrust area |
Agronomy/Entomology | Integrated Nutrient Management in all crops |
Integrated Pest Management in all crops | |
Crop diversification | |
Agri entrepreneurship development | |
Lack of irrigation water | |
Multi resistant varieties of crops | |
Poor economic condition | |
Lack of knowledge about new technologies | |
Need implements for rabi cultivation | |
More pest infestation in kharif paddy | |
Livestock& Dairy | Needs upgradation of local breeds of cow, buffalo, goat, etc. |
Need Improvement in milk productivity of milch animals. | |
Improvement in health of milch animal. | |
Need to increase area under forage crop. | |
Commercialization of dairy enterprise. | |
Reduction in cost of feed through enrichment of poor quality roughages and preparation of own feed mixed. | |
Popularization of deworming and vaccination of animal | |
Horticulture | Improvement in productivity of horticultural crops |
Multiplication of disease free planting material. | |
Knowledge about package of practices for vegetable, fruit and flower crops | |
Improvement of post harvest handling of horticultural crops | |
Mechanization | To mechanize seed bed preparation, nursery preparation, Puddling , transplanting, intercultural and harvesting operation in paddy cultivation |
To mechanize seed bed preparation, sowing/planting and harvesting operation in rabi crop cultivation | |
Soil water conservation | To introduce the soil and water conservation measures for storage and utilization of rain water |
Extension Education | Organisation of farmers group and their capacity building |
Promotion of micro financing, linkages with banks | |
Secondary agriculture and Entrepreneurship development | |
Market intelligence | |
Promotion of agricultural insurance and subsidiary occupations | |
TOT for Knowledge dissemination and boosting rate of adoption of improved technology | |
Establishment, strengthening and utilization of linkages and Use of ICT | |
To introduce the micro irrigation methods (drip/sprinkler irrigation methods) | |
Family Nutrition | Nutrition education and food security of rural families |
Drudgery reduction | Promotion of drudgery reducing farm implements for women. |
Entrepreneurship development in fruit and vegetable processing and mushroom cultivation. |